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Chapter 1: General Provisions

1. Name and Secretariat
This association shall be called the “Japan Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (JARHP)” and shall have its secretariat at the following location.

【Research Group Secretariat】
Kansai University of International Studies
1-18 Aoyama, Shijimi-cho, Miki-shi, Hyogo 673-0521
【Management Office】
Souseikai PS Clinic
6-18 Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 812-0025

Chapter 2: Objectives and Projects

2. Purpose
The aim of this association is to “improve the quality of medical care for rheumatic diseases and promote team-based medical care, with the goal of having health professionals
respect each other's professions while enhancing their expertise and putting it into practice”.

3. Activities

In order to achieve the objectives set out in Chapter 2, the Association shall carry out the following activities.
(1) The Association shall hold research meetings twice a year in principle.
(2) Activities shall be carried out by committees established for each specialist field in rheumatic diseases.
(3) Activities shall be carried out to improve the knowledge and skills of members, and to share information and interact with each other.
(4) Activities shall be carried out to support research, including the planning and consultation of clinical and nursing research.
(5) To carry out other projects necessary to achieve the aims of this association.

Chapter 3: Composition and Members

4. Organization and Membership

The members of this association shall be as follows.​

(1) This association shall be composed of health professionals, researchers, and other persons who agree with the purpose of this association.​

(2) The types of members shall be as follows.

Regular members: Individuals who agree with the purpose of this association and participate in the activities of this association, such as the management, consultation, and committee activities of this association.
Non-members: Individuals who agree with the aims of the association, but who do not get involved in the management of the association, but who attend or

participate in the association's study groups.
Supporting members: Companies or individuals who agree with the aims of the association

5. Admission to Membership​

(1) Regular members are to consult the membership guide on the Association's website, submit the necessary registration information, and apply through the Association's secretariat.

(2) Non-members must register according to the advance registration guide provided for each study group of the Association and submit their application to the Association's secretariat.

(3) Supporting members should access the membership guide on the Association's website, provide the required registration details, and apply via the Association's secretariat.

(4) The membership term for both regular and supporting members spans one year, starting from September 1st to August 31st of the subsequent year.

(5) Membership admission is contingent upon the Steering Committee's approval.

6. Membership Fees
Members of the Association must pay the membership fees as stipulated separately.

7. Withdrawal from Membership
If a regular member or supporting member fails to pay the membership fee for the following year, they will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Association.

8. Loss of Membership Status
If a member falls under any of the following, they will lose their membership status as a result of a resolution at a general meeting.
(1) If they violate these rules or other regulations
(2) If they act in a way that damages the reputation of the association or goes against its aims
(3) If the member in question dies

Chapter4: Steering Committee Members and Steering Committee

9. Types of Organizers

The following steering committee members will be appointed.
・Representative steering committee member: 1
・Deputy representative steering committee member: several
・Steering committee member: about 20
・Treasurer: several
・Auditor: 1 to 2

10. Election of Caretakers

The election of the steering committee members shall be as follows.
(1) Steering committee members shall be elected by the members.
(2) The decision on the steering committee members shall be made at the general meeting.
(3) The representative steering committee member shall be elected by the members.

11. Term of Office for Steering Committee Members
The term of office for the steering committee members of this association shall be as follows.
(1) The term of office for the steering committee members of this association shall be two years, but reappointment shall not be precluded.
(2) The term of office for the steering committee members of this association shall be one year from the general meeting.

12. Duties of the Organizers
The organizers shall perform the following duties.
(1) The representative organizer shall represent the association and oversee its affairs.
(2) The representative organizer shall represent the association and oversee its meetings, and convene meetings as necessary.
(3) The deputy representative organizer shall act on behalf of the representative organizer in the event of an accident.
(4) Steering committee members discuss the content of the study group and are involved in the management of the study group.
(5) Steering committee members represent the professional committee and are involved in the management of the committee.
(6) The representative steering committee member and steering committee members make decisions on changes to the constitution, etc.


13. Dismissal of Steering Committee Members
If a steering committee member falls under any of the following, they may be dismissed by a vote of the steering committee.
(1) If they are deemed unfit to carry out their duties due to mental or physical illness.
(2) If they have breached their professional duties or otherwise acted in a way that is not befitting of a steering committee member.

Chapter5: General Meeting

17. Types of General Meetings and Convening of Meetings
The general meetings of the association shall be regular and extraordinary general meetings.
(1) Regular general meetings shall be held at the first study meeting after the start of the new fiscal year.
(2) Extraordinary general meetings shall be convened when deemed necessary by the representative steering committee members.
(3) Regular and extraordinary general meetings may be held online or in other non-face-to-face formats, depending on the situation.

18. Matters to be discussed at the General Meeting
The General Meeting shall vote on the following matters.
(1) Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and the activities of the Association.
(2) Dissolution of the Association.
(3) The business plan and budget, and any amendments to these.
(4) The business report and financial statements.
(5) Election or dismissal of steering committee members.
(6) Other important matters concerning the operation of the association

19. Opening and Voting at General Meetings
(1) General meetings cannot be opened unless a majority of the regular members (including proxy votes) are present.
(2) Decisions at general meetings are made by 2/3 of the regular members present (including proxy votes).

20. Minutes of General Meetings
Minutes shall be prepared for the proceedings of General Meetings.

Chapter6. Professional Committee

21. Establishment of Professional Committees

Chapter7. Accounting

22. Accounting and Operating Expenses
(1) The operating expenses of the association shall be covered by annual membership fees, participation fees for study groups, and other income.
(2) The association's fiscal year shall be from September to August of the following year.
(3) The budget and final accounts shall be approved by the general meeting after being discussed by the steering committee.
(4) Any changes to the annual membership fee or participation fee must be approved by the general meeting after being voted on by the steering committee members.
(5) After the end of the fiscal year, the financial statements must be audited and reported at the general meeting.

23. Financial Auditor
The financial statements of the association must be prepared after the end of each fiscal year and reported at the general meeting after being audited by the financial auditor.

Chapter8. Unspecified Matters

24. Unspecified Matters
Changes to the constitution shall be made by the steering committee and approved by the general meeting.

(Supplementary Provisions)
<Enforcement Regulations

  1. These regulations will come into effect on February 20th, 2023.

                                                 First edition: February 20, 2023

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