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Detailed rules

Japan Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Membership Regulations Detailed Rules

The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the necessary matters concerning the rights of members and admission to the
Japan Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Society as stipulated in Article 5 and following of the Society's bylaws.

<Membership types and fees>

Article 1: Types of Members (Reprint of Article 5 of the Rules)

  1. Regular member: An individual who agrees with the aims of the Association and participates in the Association's activities, such as its management, consultation, and committee activities.

  2. Non-members: Individuals who agree with the aims of the Society and are not involved in the management of the Society, but who attend or participate in research meetings held by the Society.

  3. Supporting member: A company or individual who supports the purpose of the association.

Article 2: Fees by Membership Type

  1. Regular members: Annual membership fee is 2,000 yen. The annual membership fee includes the cost of attending research meetings (1,000 yen twice a year). The annual membership fee is valid for one year (from September 1st to August 31st of the following year), and those who wish to continue their membership may do so by making a deposit into the designated bank account in August of each year (between August 1st and August 31st of each year). For new members, membership will be registered once the application for membership and the transfer of the membership fee have been confirmed.

  2. Non-members: Participation fee for each workshop is 1,000 yen.

  3. Supporting Members: Companies that support the aims of the Association will be required to pay 50,000 yen per share. Individuals will be required to pay the same amount as non-members.

Article 3: When co-hosting a seminar or other event with a company, additional sponsorship money may be requested.

Article 4: Refunds of membership fees Both annual membership fees and participation fees must be paid in advance. If you are unable to attend the seminar, no refunds will be given under any circumstances.

<Member Benefits>
Article 5: The following rights apply depending on the membership type.

  1. Regular member

① You can attend research meetings held twice a year.

②Have voting rights at general meetings.

③Able to participate in committee activities.

④ You can receive information and services provided by this Association.

2. Non-members ① Can attend seminars by paying the participation fee.
3. Supporting members (companies/individuals)
①Company homepage links (banner advertisements) may be placed on the Association's homepage.
② You can receive information and services provided by this Association.
③ They can attend general meetings as observers, but do not have voting rights.

<Amendments and abolitions>
Article 6: Any amendment or repeal of these regulations shall be made through a resolution of the General Assembly.

<Additional Information>
Article 7: Matters necessary for the implementation of these regulations shall be determined separately by a resolution of the Steering Committee.

Supplementary Provision: This provision shall come into effect on February 20, 2023.

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